Art Analysis Blog Post



This is an art project of a hand that is crumbling a piece of paper with its force and was presented during the 2011 Armory Show which was held from March 3- March 6 in New York. The artist of this image is unknown. The main colors that was used was yellow and white with some shades all around telling me that the color black also was involved. 


My first thought of this art piece is that the artist is trying to show anger and frustration. I can see this by interpreting the hand gesture and it shows me this emotion through this. But, from another perspective, I would say that it does not have to be this emotion because of the color choices the artist did here. The artist did not choose the common "angry" colors like red or black but instead chose yellow and white, which for me is a sign of happiness and joy. 

My own opinion of this art is that I like it a lot and I would gladly invest in something like this, depending on the price of course. I feel like this symbolizes anger management to some level because instead of the person taking out the anger on someone else, it tries to hold it in and be smart about the situation which I like. I can easily connect to the art which is something I value a lot in an art piece. 


Artsology. “Emotion in Art: How ARTISTS Depict Emotion: Examples of Art Showing Emotion: An ARTSOLOGY Arts Investigation.” Emotion in Art | How Artists Depict Emotion | Examples of Art Showing Emotion | An Artsology Arts Investigation,


  1. Hi Filip,
    I really like the piece of art you chose and I agree with you, that owning a piece of art like this would be great, mostly because of the values it represents. I agree with your analysis, the work is a little contradictory, because the colors seem happy and light, but the meaning behind the piece is more towards anger and frustration.
    Overall this is a great post, good job!

  2. Hi Filip,
    This piece of art really resonated with me as well, It is so striking the way the strong yellow fist crushing the paper is. I agree with you, in my opinion, it shows the frustration of a person. But it is so striking and contrasts the white with the yellow and not in the typical red of anger or passion. Honestly, I too would own this piece. The article you linked seems to be the only post with the image. I could not find it using a reverse image search.

  3. Hello Filip,

    In my opinion, you did a great job explaining the emotion in this piece. I liked that you looked at it both ways. Just like you, the fist expression this artwork shows is anger and frustration, but on the other hand the colors lead us to think it is not so negative. I like art like this because it is contradicting, and it makes me look at it from different angles.

    In my opinion, you included everything needed in your blog post. I think that your choice of artwork was unique for this week in comparison to other people in our class. Stay original! Great post!

  4. Hi Filip,

    I found it very interesting hearing your interpretation of the art piece since at first glance i took in the emotions and the clenched fist. You did a great job of going into detail the aspects of the piece that is shown when taking a deeper look at the painting such as the contrast between the emotions shown and the colours used.

    I also enjoy this piece since it shows a great balance between emotions. The painting brings out calm and anger at the same time. I would also invest in this painting if i had the chance.


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